Phaedranessa culture

Digby Boswell
Sat, 06 Sep 2003 01:16:19 PDT
Dear Joyce

My Phaedranassa's are flowering at the moment after surviving a rather cold
(for us here in South Africa).  My plants get watered all through the year
and it does not deter them from flowering.  The temperature range that you
get there is roughly the same as mine.  My plants are growing in about 60%
shade so maybe that is the answer.

Pietermaritzburg, South Africa.

----- Original Message -----
From: Joyce Miller <>
To: <>
Sent: 07 September 2003 3:36 AM
Subject: [pbs] Phaedranessa culture

> Dear All,
>          I have several species of Phaedranessa bulbs.  The only one I am
> sure of the ID is the one I bought from Telos Rare Bulbs and it blooms
> fairly well.  Others I have raised from seed have never bloomed.
>          I recall reading Phaedranessa requires a drought period.  Can
> anyone tell me when to withhold water and for how long a period?
>          I can never get a clear sense of dormancy because when the mother
> bulb is dormant, the daughter offset is growing.  What to do?
> Kind regards,  Joyce Miller
> Joyce E. Miller
> Zone USDA 9A Summer highs 100+degrees F for several to many days.  Winter
> lows 27 degrees F
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