Dear Carolyn, I don't see that anyone answered your request for Jennifer's new address although someone may have written you privately. It is: Jennifer Hildebrand , Treasurer 2000 SW 16 St. Lincoln, NE 68522 The PBS web site that I put up until we find someone willing to take this on as a project and do a more complete job has a membership form on it which lists her address as the contact person for PBS. So if you misplace it again you can always look there: and more specifically:… Just a reminder for those of you on our list who have been wishing you could participate in the BX, but haven't yet joined the Pacific Bulb Society. If you are a new member joining from October 1st on you will qualify for the BX right away and new member benefits (left over BX offerings), will get the fourth newsletter of the year (online I think or maybe mailed) and will have your membership last through December 2004. The cost is $20 for US members and $25 for International members. Mary Sue