Howdy All, One thing that may be worth adding as well is that letting seed set on the Tigridias is generally detrimental to flower production. As with Cypellas and the rest of the alliance flowers can keep being produced for quite some period of time in each flowering point of the stem, but if seed is allowed to be produced then there tend to be a lot less flowers after that as the reserves are used for seed production rather the production of more flowers. This has been an observation of mine, but I THINK I have been told this by others as well..... I know I was definitely told that for some of the Cypellas and I am assuming that it applies to the Tigridias as well, at least it does for mine anyway <grin>. To get around this I tend to wait until late in the flowering season before I let seed set or deliberately pollinate flowers. I guess I'm trying to have my proverbial cake and eat it as well. I would imagine that there may be higer seed production within a pod earlier in the season when the plant is healthier and less close to dormancy, but I have still had at least a few seeds within each pod on the T. vanhouttei each year and any of the Cypellas I have set seed on. I thought this was worth mentioning to people in case they were thinking of trying to set any seed. This also definitely applies to the Tigridia pavonia hybrids as at one point I had seed set on my white one with the red bowl and within a week flower production had stopped completely. Some of the pods that this alliance produces can be HUGE and contain a hundred seed or more (my white had at least that, in a pod around 3 inches long, and I had the same happen with Cypella coelestris a couple of years back too). If people are interested I will try to set some seed on various of the Tigridias this year so I can donate to the BX. That is assuming that people are interested if I am successful? Would people only be interested in the species, or in the hybrids as well? Cheers. Paul Tyerman Canberra, Australia. USDA equivalent - Zone 8/9 Growing.... Galanthus, Erythroniums, Fritillarias, Cyclamen, Crocus, Cyrtanthus, Oxalis, Liliums, Hellebores, Aroids, Irises plus just about anything else that doesn't move!!!!!