Ungernia stuff

James Waddick jwaddick@kc.rr.com
Sun, 07 Sep 2003 06:53:57 PDT
Dear All;
	I really don't know how much or how long my description of a 
bulb tree really fits. I have seen these branches, and drawings of 
branched clumps, but I suppose there must be some rotting of old 
'trunks and bulbs can keep growing up all the time, but must pull 
themselves down.Right?

	Anyway it is very interesting se that this occurs to a degree 
at least in other bulbs. We usually don't pay too much attention to 
what comes out of the bottom of the bulbs, but the top!

	Me too-still waiting for blooms and multiplication. I do not 
pretend to understand this genus at all!!

		Best	Jim W.

Dr. James W. Waddick
8871 NW Brostrom Rd.
Kansas City Missouri 64152-2711
Ph.    816-746-1949
E-fax  419-781-8594

Zone 5 Record low -23F
	Summer 100F +

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