Jerry: Only book I know about is Dierama; The Hairbells of Africa by O.M. Hilliard and B.L Burtt. If there is another, please enlighten me. I prefer pictures, rather than paintings, so this book leaves me a little unsatisfied. I've seen various cultural recommendations, including (many times) "Try it at the edge of your pond or stream, where it can arch gracefully over the water." "growing in the wild in standing water in marshes (we grow them in ordinary pots in soilless mixes)" "give sun and well-drained soil (but can be wet while in growth)." "Provide a sharply draining soil for the Dieramas but they appreciate water during the growing season" Some of the pictures I've seen show them growing in small streams. Here in western Oregon, they get summer water in some places in the garden, no water at all in other areas, and do fine. Mine are "Dierama hybrids", so that might not be (probably isn't) true of all species. The corms pull themselves down relatively deeply--about shovel depth, or 8 inches deep. That may almost be the level of the winter water table here, and they certainly do not get sharp or even good drainage. When I first started gardening, an old nurseryman named Donald Stryker of Langlois, Oregon, told me that Dierama couldn't be moved/transplanted. So, for years, I didn't move mine-if they were in an awkward spot, they were left. This past summer I had a pot of seedlings which was far too thick, so I dumped the pot out and bare-rooted the seedlings, then repotted them. So far all thirty-one have survived about six months. They are relatively slow to flower from seed, and carrying them in pots through the winter where it freezes is a gamble. My question is, how/when is the best time to move Dierama. I have clumps which should be divided--and the lavenders separated from the pale pinks, etc. As they are evergreen, determining when they are dormant is a bit of a puzzle-I assume after flowering or ripening seed, which is the middle of summer, a rainless period here unless irrigated. Ken, western Oregon