
Robert Hamilton roberth6@mac.com
Thu, 04 Dec 2003 03:38:37 PST
Hi all,

Dierama  are one of  my  favourite  genera and  happily  are  beginning 
to  flower here in Tasmania at the  moment.

I  grow  them  all in garden beds  which  for  me  consist of a  heavy 
clay soil built  up  30  to 45cm from  the excavated  soil  when we  
built our  new  home  2 years ago. They  are much  happier  here 
getting only  very occasional  summer  water , than  being watered 
daily  in a container. I guess they   develop  deep  roots down  to  
moisture as this  soil doesnt  dry  out 30cm  down  even after  several 
dry months. ( As I  get more  experience with  summer  rainfall  South 
African  plants  I  feel they  are  all happier grown this  way.)

As  others  have  pointed  out they  resent disturbance but  will  
tolerate division    if  replanted  fairly rapidly. They  are  easily  
grown from  seed and  I have  found they  germinate  equally well  when 
planted  in spring  or   autumn.  Seed  of  my  own  D jucundum sown in 
  March this  year germinated in early  winter. Hopefully  some of  you  
will have  seedlings  already  from seed I  sent to the SX.  Some  D  
reynoldsii  I  sowed  in  February 2002   have a  flower spike  
appearing so  the  wait  is  not  too long and   considerably   less 
than from  divided plants  which  tend  to  sulk.

A  wonderful  range  of  seed  can be on its  way to  you  now  with a  
couple  of  clicks  on the  mouse.

I  have  posted images  of  Dierama's  luteoalbidum, pauciflorum and  
pendulum which  are  all flowering at the moment. I  have  several  
more  species  close  to  flowering  so  will post  them  soon.



Mary Sue  I  think your  species  is  D pulcherrimum.


Rob in Tasmania
Temperate Marine Climate
Zone 9  equivalent.

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