Oxalis versicolor

Robin Attrill robin@rpattrill.freeserve.co.uk
Fri, 12 Dec 2003 15:50:02 PST
> I would like to know some tips on propagating it. It has about 50 stems
> topped with flowers. Does each stem = one bulb or is it multiple stems
> a bulb?

Each stem originates from a separate bulb, but additional bulbs will form
during the growing season. Regarding propagation the response I sent on Nov
18th to your earlier posting covers this, see below. (The bulbs will readily
detach from the old stems at this time - the stems can be discarded)



> My Oxalis versicolor has a forest of 'stems' and one flowering stem full
> flowers. Has the pot got too many  tubers/bulbs in it? When do I divide
Divide and repot when dormant in mid-late summer. This species increases
well and pots can easily become crowded and shy flowering. Given how
prolific the plant is in terms of bulb production it is difficult to
rationalise the very high prices charged by some commercial suppliers for
this plant........!
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