What's Blooming Now

Theladygardens@aol.com Theladygardens@aol.com
Mon, 15 Dec 2003 12:14:37 PST
I have leucojeum blooming all over my garden but the sight that always takes 
my breath away at this time of year is the persimmons hanging like jewels on 
the leafless trees.  The orange trees are quite showy also with the oranges 
turning bright orange among the green leaves and most everything else is bare 
now.  Lemons, grapefruit and pomello also looking pretty.
I diverse but assume you all enjoy all of it, not just the bulbs.
This is such an interesting time of year, the recent wind and rain storms 
have blown all of the leaves off the decidous trees and plastered them 
everywhere, my husband sees this as a mess to be cleaned up while I want to get my 
camera out and photograph the beauty of it.  LOL
Carolyn in Los Gatos

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