"The Bulb Garden"

Marguerite English meenglis@cts.com
Fri, 01 Aug 2003 10:58:08 PDT
Dear PBS members:
      I mailed out the newsletters on Wednesday and Thursday this week, so 
you should be receiving yours soon.  I hope you enjoy the Plant portraits 
from Robin Hansen and Judy Glattstein, as well as the final installment of 
John Ingram's container gardening article and one from Sheri Ann Richerson 
on handling tender bulbs in the Fall.   My thanks to these authors for 
stepping forward to fill our newsletter with interesting information!
        If you have a favorite plant or plant combination, please write a 
1/2 to 1 page 'plant portrait' for 'The Bulb Garden'  and send it to me 
         Also, for our USA members, check the newsstands this fall for the 
Horticulture "Garden Style'  special issue on bulbs.    It is a great gift 
for a beginning bulb gardener and a pleasant read.  We are mentioned in 
their resources section.

Marguerite English,
Editor: 'The Bulb Garden'
Pacific Bulb Society

For information and membership forms, view http://www.pacificbulbsociety.org/

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