Romulea hantamensis

Lauw de Jager
Thu, 26 Sep 2002 01:51:38 PDT
Mary Sue Ittner <> a *crit :
"Dr. M. Boussard, from France, wrote the following to Johan W. Loubscher:
> 'I also remember the reluctance of Romulea hantamensis to germinate. They
> germinated only in the third season and I say it with some dismay. I left
> the pot in the open last winter where it froze and got snowed on. Perhaps
> the freeze triggered the germination. Hantamsberg does get frost and
> sometimes snow in winter. I suggest that the seed by given a good soaking
> for a couple of days, then be put in the fridge for three to four weeks,
> then plant and hope for the best.'"
 Dear  Mary Sue,
Pity that you did not  mentioned this a month earlier. I just  "tapped"
/ tipped out  a  box with a sowing  August 2000
Most of the sowing is done now, just finishing planting the collection.

Lauw de Jager 
BULB'ARGENCE, 30300 Fourques, France
Région: Provence/Camargue; (Climat zone 9a Mediterranean)

"GUIDE POUR BULBES  MÉDITERRANÉENS": 116 pages, 400 photos, prix 10 E
EXPEDITION bulbes continuera jusqu'à mi-octobre
 (espèces à floraison automnale sont replantées)

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