[PacificBulbSociety] Moraea (Homeria) type seed

unknown@unknown.com unknown@unknown.com
Wed, 26 Jun 2002 22:01:18 PDT
And I live in the mountains in zone 7B.   Mine are yellow and orange (on 
separate plants, not mixed), and look like those described.  Yes, they do 
bloom for several days, especially if you dead-head.  The flowerets open 
along the scape for up to a couple of weeks, here.  If I cut the scape 
before seeds form, others appear.  I have a few that have self-seeded, but 
the garden is in the center of my ten acres, so they won't get away from me 
even if they would grow in the dry chaparral.   They are a lovely bright 
spot in the garden.

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