[PacificBulbSociety] Re: Moraea (Homeria) type seed

Barbara L. Weintraub blweintraub1@earthlink.net
Fri, 28 Jun 2002 11:02:09 PDT
I would happily try these plants if I thought they had the slightest chance 
of surviving here!  Anyone care to venture a guess?

I live at 7000 ft. elevation. Santa Fe has a long and consistently cold 
winter (a warm day is in the 30's, but we can go weeks with temperatures 
less than freezing), a hot dry spring and summer with a "monsoon" season 
usually late July through mid-September. I put quotes around "monsoon" 
because the afternoon thunderstorms usually build, go kaboom, and then 
clear up again. We are generally arid (up to 20% humidity).

Barbara L. Weintraub
Leaf and Stone

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