[PacificBulbSociety] Moraea (Homeria) type seed

Jane McGary JaneMcGary@earthlink.net
Thu, 27 Jun 2002 11:06:17 PDT
Regarding the hardiness of various Homerias (or whatever they are now), an
orange one, which I believe is H. collina, has bloomed outdoors here in a
raised bed for several years, having survived winter lows as great as 5 F
but more usually in the 20s F. Some years ago, one of my brothers planted
some at his home above Sonora, California, with typical winter lows in the
high teens F, and they seeded enthusiastically there.

I don't find this orange Homeria very attractive; the reason it's outdoors
is that I stuck it there, not wanting to waste space in the bulb frame on it.

Jane McGary
NW Oregon

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