Oxalis orbicularis
Robin Attrill (Mon, 12 Aug 2002 15:25:48 PDT)
Dear all,
In recent years, principally due to the efforts of Michael Vassar and others, the merits of the genus Oxalis have begun to be more widely appreciated. One of my favorites, that is seldom seen, at least in the UK, is Oxalis orbicularis, a very attractive South African species. It is, in my hands, the earliest to flower of the winter-growing taxa, with flowers appearing, before the foliage, from mid-July in Essex UK, from corms that have been kept dry during the late spring/early summer period. Subsequent application of water encourages flowering to continue and the very attractively marked foliage to grow during August-September, with the leaves persisting until the following April. Contrary to the report of Salter, published in The Genus Oxalis in South Africa, and repeated in subsequent publications, I find the plant to be very free flowering, and it is very easy to grow.
A good illustration of the plant is present in Jeppe's Spring and Winter Flowering Bulbs of the Cape, plate 58d.
Robin Attrill