Dear Members living in the EU,
The first EU seed exchange this year is now open for donations. Please read this information carefully. We decided to split the spring exchange into two parts: one for seed only and a second one for bulbs and seed. This way we want to make sure that seed of summer growers is distributed as early as possible. As the weather is unpredictable and frost damage to bulbs may still occur at this time of the year, we do a second part of the spring exchange with bulbs later. The donation for bulbs will be announced separately and the entire donation period will remain open until further notice. So if your seed will not make it for the first part, it will be included in the second part. No need to rush for seed which is not ripe. we will do an autumn exchange for autumn sowing and planting.
Please send all seed donation to the following address:
Martin Bohnet
Ludwigstr. 1
73035 Göppingen
Please send an email to Martin ( when you post seed so he will know that your donation is on the way.
Please make sure that the seed is free of pests and disease, nobody wants to introduce anything like that to fellow gardeners
Please label each bag with the precise name of the plant (scientific name if possible) and your own name so that all donations are clearly identified and can be referred to the donor.
We have asked you in the past to pre-pack your seed donations on a voluntary basis. Thank you to all who did this, it has reduced the workload for Martin tremendously. You can ask for an appropriate number of free seed envelopes from Martin. We suggest to pack not more than 5 portions of seed of each species, should there be more seed available a larger number of seeds can be included as a reserve in a separate envelope.
As a donor, you will get a bonus for your order equaling the postage you paid for your donation.
Please remember that you will have to be a fully paid member of the PBS in order to be entitled to order from our seed and bulb exchanges. But you do not need to be a donor to order.
You will find the entire information on the EU Seed and Bulb Exchange on the website of the PBS (
So.. please think of the many fellow bulb enthusiasts when you dig up bulbs or when you harvest seeds. As the EU covers very different climates and many members will have a greenhouse: all bulb and seed material is welcome. The success or failure of this scheme depends on your participation and generosity.
Unfortunately we have bad news for our members living in the UK. We can no longer send seed or bulbs or receive donations to/from the UK. We keep our eyes open for solutions but there are none for the moment. We are very sorry about this.
Members living in the US and international members, please be aware that this announcement is for the EU exchange only, the US based exchange is continuing independently with a different time table.
Please, do not hesitate to contact me in case of questions: (
Martin and Uli
The weather in Germany is almost disturbingly mild, and a stable west wind situation is predicted by multiple weather models for another 2 weeks so it's actually safe to send in Bulbs - that's why we'll expand the range of this first spring donations phase to bulbs and corms, too. Bring them on!
Dear EU members of the PBS,
We have received a good amount of donations and can start the distribution soon, you will be notified. If you have material you still want to send for the first round, please let Martin know as soon as possible ( and do send it straight away.
The address: Martin Bohnet, Ludwigstr. 1, 73035 Göppingen, Germany.
Not to worry if you cannot make it right now. We will await reception of all donations which are announced until Sunday, March 6th. All other material which will be announced later will go into the second round of the EU spring BX/SX.
If you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact Uli Urban (
Martin and Uli
Dear Members in the EU.
The next EU bulb and seed exchange is now open for orders, as usual we have a time window over the weekend, ordering phase closes on Monday the 14th at 24:00h Central European Time. The closure will be announced in this list. Orders received within this period will be dealt with at random, so that everybody will have the same chance to get the rare and sought after items. This is the first exchange for this spring, donations can still be maid for a second distribution phase around the mid of April.
Please remember, that only fully paid members can order from this exchange. If you are not sure about your membership status or if you are tempted to join now, please get in touch with our treasurer Arnold Trachtenberg ( You do not need to be a donor to be entitled to order from this list but maybe you will become a donor in the future? The number of items you can order is not limited, you are allocated one portion of each ordered item but please refrain from asking "one of each" from this extensive list.
As Brexit is now real and all grace periods are over, we sadly can not accept any orders from the UK.
PLEASE DO NOT REPLY TO THIS LIST WHEN ORDERING BUT SEND A NEW EMAIL TO MARTIN BOHNET IN GERMANY: ( He is the director of the EU Seed and Bulb Exchange. Your order cannot be dealt with if you send it to the list by using the reply button.
And please do not forget to let Martin have your postal address.
Pricing and Payment
Seeds are 2 US$ per portion, bulbs cost 3 US$. Very big or very rare bulbs may be more expensive. Left over seed from previous exchanges (numbers EX03_??? and EX02_??? ) are offered at a reduced price of 1US$. Postage is added to your order at cost. Please wait with your payment until you received your order, it will contain a payment slip with the sum due in US-Dollars. If you are a donor your credit will be deducted.
Payment for the EU BX/SX can only be made in US Dollars and only through PayPal. Please go to the bottom of the Bulb Exchange page and fill in the payment form. <> It is a tremendous help for our treasurer if you do not forget to put in the BX-Number and your name. Please wait with payment until your order is checked for availability after the ordering phase.
Please do not hesitate to get in touch with Uli if you have questions (
This is an announcement for the EU BX only, the US based BX continues unchanged.
Happy browsing!
Here are the items available in EX04:
From Pavel Andel (all seeds)
Begonia dregei EX04_002
Drimia uniflora DMC 13646 W. of Ladismith
Othonna triplinervia EX04_004
Othonnatriplinervia x Othonna herrei
Oxalis pachyrhiza Santa Rosa de Tastil, Arg
Zephyranthes grandiflora From Martin Bohnet
Bletilla ochracea
Height: | 20-30 cm (0.7-1 ft) |
Flower Colors: | yellow, white |
Life form: | corm |
Cautleya spicata ,Crûg's canary'
Dioscorea polystachia (leaf bulbils)
Agave bullianaEX04_011
Arisaema consanguineumEX04_012
Asclepias tuberosa
Height: | 30-45 cm (1-1.5 ft) |
Flower Colors: | orange, yellow |
Flower Season: | early summer to mid summer |
Life form: | tuber |
Climate: | USDA Zone 6-8 |
Bobartia orientalisEX04_014
Bomarea edulisEX04_015
Diplarrhena latifoliaEX04_016
Tigridia pavonia
Height: | 45-80 cm (1.5-2.6 ft) |
Flower Colors: | white, red, yellow, pink, orange, patterned |
Special: | edible storage organ |
Life form: | deciduous bulb |
Climate: | USDA Zone 8-9 |
orange seed parent
from Peter Dinges:
Pinellia tripartitaSeeds:
Agapanthus inapertus
Height: | 120-150 cm (3.9-4.9 ft) |
Flower Colors: | blue |
Climate: | summer rain climate |
Albuca humilisEX04_020
Allium cyaneum, originally received as A. beesianum
Begonia grandis ssp. sinensis (Bulbills)
Dietes iridioidesEX04_023
Dipcadi serotinumEX04_024
Eucomis autumnalisEX04_025
Freesia laxa, salmon with red dots
Lophospermum erubescens 'Alba'
Maurandya wislizeni 'Red Dragon'
Ornithogalum candicans (Syn. Galtonia c.)
From Hans Joschko (all seeds):
Atropa belladonnaEX04_030
Ceratotheca trilobaEX04_031
Dioscorea communisEX04_032
Ennealophus fimbriatusEX04_033
Euonymus myrianthusEX04_034
Impatiens namchabarwensisEX04_035
Ipomoea (Quamoclit) lobata
Ipomoea purpureaEX04_037
Ipomoea tricolor'Pearly Gates'
Ipomoea 'vulkan'EX04_039
Ipomoea x sloteri
Leonurus cardicaEX04_041
Solanum nigrumEX04_042
Solanum pyracanthumEX04_043
Staphylea trifoliaEX04_044
Stylophorum lasiocarpumEX04_045
Tulbaghia violacea var macmasterii
From Uli Urban
Albuca pulchra EX04_047
X Achimenantha Ohio's Never say Never EX04_048
X Achimenantha Ohio's Punkin EX04_049
Achimenes E. Nelson EX04_050
Achimenes grandiflora
Flower Colors: | purple |
Life form: | rhizome |
Climate: | summer rain climate |
Achimenes heterophylla EX04_052
Achimenes pedunculata
Flower Colors: | red, orange, patterned |
Life form: | rhizome |
Climate: | summer rain climate |
Achimenes pulcherrima EX04_054
Curcuma alismatifoliaEX04_055
Dioscorea discolor EX04_056
Eucodonia CeciliaEX04_057
Eucodonia Maike EX04_058
Eucodonia spec. EX04_059
Lilium speciosum Rubrum ,Uchida'
Neomarica spec (nov?) tall blue and beige
NymphaeaHybrid Doris Holt, leaf bulbs
Sauromatum horsfieldii EX04_063
Seemannia nematanthodes EX04_064
Seemannia purpurascensEX04_065
X Smithicodonia Heartlands Joy EX04_066
X Smithicodonia Rfs Grandiosa EX04_067
Spathantheum orbignyanum Seeds:
Albuca pulchra EX04_069
Aponogeton distachyusEX04_070
Arisaema consanguineum EX04_071
Phalocallis coelestis syn. Cypella gigantea
Dahlia excelsa, ID not 100% definite
Dahlia rosea, white
Datura wrightii EX04_075
Lilium White TriumphatorEX04_076
Milla magnificaEX04_077
Tradescantia boliviana EX04_078
Zantedeschia albomaculata
Flower Colors: | white |
Special: | attractive foliage |
Life form: | tuber |
Zantedeschia jucunda
Flower Colors: | yellow |
Special: | attractive foliage |
Life form: | tuber |
from Aart vanVororst (all seeds)
Clivia gardenii Everton strain
Clivia robusta (Maxima x Breanan Farm)
From Jan-Willem Vos(all seeds)
Aristea eckloniiEX04_083
Arthropodium cirratumEX04_084
Beschorneria septentrionalisEX04_085
Chlorophytum bowkeriEX04_086
Habranthus brachyandrusEX04_087
Laxmannia gracilisEX04_088
Laxmannia squarrosaEX04_089
Lomandra leucocephala ssp robusta
Lomandra spicataEX04_091
Moraea brittenieaeEX04_092
Othrosanthus polystachyusEX04_093
Patersonia lanataEX04_094
Phalocallis coelestisEX04_095
Sisyrinchium californicumEX04_096
Tulbaghia violaceaLeftovers from the 2021 fall exchanges (all seeds):
Allium cernuum
Flower Colors: | pink, white |
Flower Season: | early summer to mid summer |
Allium flavumEX03_004
Camassia leichtliniicream
Hemerocallis hybrid, diploid, 1st/2nd gen from ,,Frans Hals"
Hesperantha cuculataEX03_010
Paradisea lusitanicaEX03_022
Albuca aurea
Flower Colors: | yellow, green |
Albuca setosa
Flower Colors: | white, green, brown, yellow |
Life form: | bulb |
Habranthus gracilifloraEX03_026
Habranthus robustusEX03_030
Romulea rosea var australis
Alium giganteumEX03_048
Sisyrinchium montanumEX03_054
Arisaema flavumEX03_057
Pelargonium gibbosumEX03_085
Albuca albucoides EX03_088
Albuca flaccida c.f
Anemone palmata
Flower Colors: | yellow, orange |
Life form: | rhizome |
Freesia alba EX03_093
Freesia caryophyllacea EX03_095
Gladiolus italicus
Flower Colors: | purple, white |
Gladiolus splendens
Flower Colors: | red |
Climate: | winter rain climate |
Hesperantha bachmannii EX03_100
Hippeastrum Sonatini 'Pink Rascal' X 'Amputo'
Hyacinthoides flacoultiana EX03_102
Ipheion 'Alberto Castillo' EX03_103
Iris xiphium blue, ex cultivated plants
Iris xiphium var lusitanica, bright yellow, ex cultivated plants
Lachenalia mediana EX03_109
Lachenalia mutabilis EX03_110
Lachenalia namaquensisEX03_111
Lachenalia paucifloraEX03_112
Lachenalia quadricolorEX03_113
Lachenalia salteri, selected good forms
Lachenalia ventricusa EX03_115
Moraea ochroleuca EX03_116
Moraea polystachya EX03_117
Moraea sisyrinchium EX03_118
Narcissus bulbocodiumEX03_120
Ornithogalum dubium EX03_121
Scilla cilicica EX03_122
Scilla hyacinthoides EX03_123
Scilla peruviana 'Grand Bleu' particularly dark blue
Sparaxis elegans EX03_126
Triteleia ixioidesEX03_127
Tropaeolum brachyceras EX03_286
Iris mesopotamicaEX03_288
Iris versicolorEX03_289
Pancatium maritinumEX03_290
Cardiocrinum giganteumEX03_291
Codonopsis pilosulaEX03_295
Lilium sargentieaeEX03_296
Agapanthus cultivar blue & white 45cm decidous
Agapanthuscultivar 45cm decidous
Agapanthusex Kirstenbosch blue 90 cm decidous
Allium sikkimenseEX03_300
Arum creticumEX03_301
Arum italicum subsp italicum ,Marmoratum'
Bellevalia paradoxaEX03_303
Dierama mixed hybrids
Freesia laxaEX03_305
Freesia laxa red form
Iris foetedissimaEX03_307
Ixia viridifloraEX03_308
Libertia spec.EX03_309
Muscari armenaicumtype A
Muscari armenaicum type B
Muscai aucheriEX03_312
Muscai aucheri ex ocean magic
Muscari latifoliumEX03_314
Muscari racemosaEX03_315
Romulea bulbocodiumEX03_317
Watsoniasp red ex Kirstenbosch (evergreen)
Lilum pumilumEX03_325
Allium oporinanthumEX03_327
Ethesia xanthochlora (Syn Ornithogalum)
Narcissus confususEX03_331
Pelargonium mollicomumEX03_332
Pelargoniumspec. small leaves, winter grower
Acis autumnalis
Height: | 10-20 cm (3.9-7.9 inch) |
Flower Colors: | white, pink |
Flower Season: | early autumn |
Life form: | bulb |
Drimia maritima common form
leftovers from the 2021 spring exchanges (all seeds):
Hosta ex ,Empress Wu', open polinated
Agapanthus cultivar 45cm, deciduous
Alstroemeria psittacinaEX02_010
Dactylicapnos scandensEX02_011
Freesia laxa red form
Hesperantha bauriiEX02_013
Iris ensata (blue)
Iris foetidissimaEX02_015
Scilla peruvianaEX02_016
Watsonia sp. red ex Kirstenbosch (labeled meriana?)
Albuca abyssinicaSyn. A. bainesii
Albuca humilis ex Lesotho
Albuca tenuifolia Syn. A. shawii
Allium flavumEX02_029
Dietes iridioidesEX02_037
Allium tuberosum
Height: | 30-45 cm (1-1.5 ft) |
Flower Colors: | white |
Flower Season: | mid summer to late summer |
Special: | edible leaves |
Crocosmia x crocosmiifloraEX02_043
Habranthus tubispathusEX02_047
Lilium henryiEX02_050
Drimia purpurascens (syn. undulata) ex Bellús
Iris xiphium (syn. Xiphion vulgare) ex Albufera
Narcissus confususEX02_075
Allium giganteumEX02_079
Iris domesticaEX02_080
Iris setosaEX02_081
Iris sibiricaEX02_084
Sisyrinchium montanumEX02_087
Chasmanthe bicolorEX02_088
Eryngium ,,Miss Wilmot's Ghost"EX02_089
Melanoselium decipiensEX02_090
Watsonia,,Dart Sea Trout"
Ceropegia woodii EX02_094
Albucca spec. ex roscoff
Lilium ex ,,White Triumphator"EX02_098 Zantedeschia albomaculata
Martin & Uli
Some additional comments from Uli and me:
EX04_009, 010, 013 and 015 are excess items from a commercial source - their portions were just to big to keep them all for myself.
EX04_046 & 068 Albuca pulchra. In flower it looks like a green
Eremurus, tall and upright. Seedlings will take several years to reach flowering size. A. pulchra is strictly summer growing and winter dormant and does not tolerate winter moisture. Otherwise easy in a sunny spot. Thank you, Monica Swartz for letting me have seed a few years ago.
EX04_069 Aponogeton distachyus: a tuberous aquatic plant from seasonal pools in South Africa. It grows and germinates in cold (no ice) or cool water, warm water induces dormancy. Has become invasive in some parts of the world, so do not allow it into natural water habitats. My plants are strictly pot grown and kept dry during dormancy in summer. I use it as an attractive scented winter flowering aquatic in a large tub on my terrace. In summer the same tub houses
Nymphaea pygmaea 'Helvola'. Will be summer growing in cool water. Seed is moist packed and needs immediate sowing in shallow
cold water with bright light.
EX04_072 and 073 Dahlia excelsa and D. rosea. Both are Central American Tree Dahlias, not to be considered as summer growing garden Dahlias. They are winter flowering and grow very tall, susceptible to wind damage. They need frost free conditions to flower in mid winter. They form tubers but have no dry dormancy. Both can be pruned down to the ground after flowering but if left unpruned, especially D. excelsa becomes a tall, branched woody shrub. Seed germinates in cool conditions (do not use a heated propagator) , both plants grow naturally in moist cool to temperate tropical montane forests. I offered seed of D. excelsa last year under the name of D. imperialis which it is definitely not. The identity is not certain, though.
EX04_076 Milla magnifica: Seed for the first time ever for me. A Mexican summer growing bulb, dry winter dormancy . White scented stars
EX04_077 Tradescantia boliviana is not a trailer but a stiffly upright tuberous perennial. Strictly summer growing and absolutely dry winter dormancy. Needs ample water and low nitrogen fertilizer during summer and as much direct sun as ever possible, otherwise it will not remain upright. Lots of small pink flowers over a long season from morning until early afternoon, popular with insects.
EX04_060 Neomarica: received as a new species, identity unknown to me. Tall plant, magnificent dark blue flowers with beige patterns in the centre. Needs to have a certain size to flower well but then spectacular. Forms plantlets on the spent flower stalks.
EX04_061 Nymphaea 'Doris Holt' One of the best tropical Nymphaea Hybrids. Attractive leaves with red splashes and bright purplish red flowers with yellow centre, scented. Every leaf can form a new plant by producing a tiny leaf tuber, these viviparous waterlilies may become invasive in the right climate, so do not let them escape into natural water habitats. Treatment of the leaf tuber you get: Depending where you live: keep it in the fridge until light intensity and day length is good. Do not allow it to go dry in the meantime. Then start it in warm water (not below 20°C) in a small pot with loam or clay substrate (no organic matter) in very shallow water and give artificial light if there is no direct sun. The warmer the water is the more light it needs. The tiny tuber will soon wake up and produce roots and small leaves, submerged at first. Once the first floating leaves are formed fertilize with Osmocote. Best grown outdoors during summer with as much sun as possible, give a big pot and repeat fertilizing. Adult plants can grow to a diameter of about 1,5m and are best in shallow warm water (about 20cm above substrate). Adult plants form a tuber but I never managed to get a dormant tuber started again. I always found it easy to start from leaf tubers which form at the end of summer. Here in Portugal it does not go fully dormant. In Germany I have overwintered adult plants in a frost free greenhouse in a bucket of water after trimming off almost all the leaves, unheated and as bright as possible. I wrote a detailed article on tropical waterlilies in the Bulb Garden, Volume 16, issue 2, spring 2017.
The first distribution phase has closed, I'm sorting things out now.
Don't forget: donation phase for a second distribution is still running so please send your contributions.
Dear participants,
the packages for March distribution are on their way, payment information is included in the boxes and envelopes. Please don't hesitate to drop me a line on arrival (
And to everyone in the EU: don't forget, when you sort out your pots and basements, we're planning on a second distribution around mid-end of April, so please continue to send me your surplus to
Martin Bohnet
Ludwigstr. 1
73035 Göppingen
Looking through the received material, I guess we can't postpone the second EX04 distribution much longer: I'm setting a Deadline for announcing further material to me to Thursday, 28th of April. I will wait for announced material to arrive at
Martin Bohnet
Ludwigstrasse 1
73035 Göppingen
Announcements will be received via Email to, personal message in the Forum or post in this thread.