J.E. Shields (Fri, 01 Nov 2002 07:10:32 PST)

Mary Sue, I think you are right -- Polyxena cf. ensifolia was the consensus then. I did not change my labels at that time, so I will now. I'm definitely not comfortable with the whole Massonia/Polyxena mess yet. It would be nice to have a clear and definitive reference paper or book on these genera.

I have two Massonia jasminiflora about to bloom too. I'll try to get pictures of everything for the Bulbs_Images list.

Now a question that pertains to these for those who grow them or have seen them flowering in habitat, what do you consider the best species, overall, of this group? Maybe I ought to try trading a few of my Polyxena cf. ensifolia for some different types.

Jim Shields
in central Indiana

Jim Shields USDA Zone 5 Shields Gardens, Ltd.
P.O. Box 92 WWW http//
Westfield, Indiana 46074, USA Tel. +1-317-896-3925