Littonia modesta
Ernie O'Byrne (Sun, 01 Dec 2002 02:19:30 PST)
The Littonia have a thin covering over the seed which is probably what rotted to create the mold. The seed should be fine. It is always desirable to clean any sort of coating off the seed, if it has one, before sowing. Some seed coats have germination inhibitors in them that could delay germination.
Ernie O'Byrne
Northwest Garden Nursery
86813 Central Road
Eugene OR 97402-9284USA
Phone: 541 935-3915
FAX: 541 935-0863
Eugene, Oregon is USDA Zone 8a on the map, but we can only grow Zone
7 plants reliably. Member of NARGS, SRGC, RHS, American Primula Society,
Meconopsis Group, Alpine-L, Arisaema-L, Hellebore Group