Dierama corms

pelarg--- via pbs pbs@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net
Mon, 16 Sep 2024 12:53:37 PDT
 I grow dierama spp and hybrids (lost track of which is which) from seeds both from Silverhill and from Plant World Seeds in the UK which has a good selection.  Some also were grown from NARGS or SRGC seed.  Here in New York, z7a, I do cover them with wood chips in winter to protect from deep freezing.  Voles can be an issue but most have survived their assaults in the last couple of winters.  I moved one batch once and they moved fine, I didnt do anything special in terms of dividing them up or anything like that, just moved the clumps.  I tend to plant fairly deep due to our winter climate but that wouldnt be an issue in warmer winter climates.  They do vary is how generous they are with their flowering, some tend to skip years but most bloom every year.  Seedlings of some can bloom second year if started early the first year and planted out and mulched for their first winter.   We have no shortage of winter precipitation here, mainly rain but also varying amounts of snow so I dont think moist soil in winter is a problem for them.  They should have good drainage though.   I would suggest that newly dug corms be replanted as fast as is reasonably possible, they wont sit for months like gladioli can.  Many if not all will keep their foliage in winter if the temperatures do not freeze it back, here they usually do that at least to the mulch surface, but this winter was different with lows of 15F twice so most remained evergreen or nearly so.   Most springs I do have to cut off the dead foliage to allow the new foliage to emerge without the ugly dead foliage hanging around, its pretty tough and fibrous so does not pull out easily. Hope this helps,Ernie DeMarieNew York Z7a where the belladonna hybrids of the late Bill Welch are finishing up their glorious display in front of the house, and Crocosmia aurea is in full bloom among other things. 
    On Sunday, September 15, 2024 at 10:23:53 PM EDT, Laura Grant via pbs <pbs@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net> wrote:   

 Hi Mary Sue,
Ruth Plant is a Dierama expert and can give you good advice. I traveled
with her to Drakensberg mountains photographing Dieramas.
Ruth has a National collection in the UK.

On Sun, Sep 15, 2024 at 2:50 PM Mary Sue Ittner via pbs <
pbs@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net> wrote:

> Yesterday my husband dug up some Dierama that had planted itself in an
> undesirable spot and had been there for years. I am wondering about
> whether I should send them to Bridget for the October BX. In the
> wonderful article from Cameron McMaster he wrote for Farmers Weekly I
> added to the
> wiki:
> https://pacificbulbsociety.org/pbswiki/files/…
> he wrote:
> "It’s more important to re-invigorate clumps of corms by periodically
> digging them up, splitting them up and removing the old dead basal
> corms. They should then be replanted 50mm to 100mm deep, depending on
> the size,
> and 50mm or more apart to allow for each corm to clump up without
> over-crowding."
> I never tried to figure out the species of the ones I grow that were
> here when we moved here and then reseeded to new spots. Most are summer
> rainfall species, but this one tolerates winter rainfall (and sometimes
> a lot of it)  and dry summers we have in Northern California. I added
> photos of it to the wiki here:
> https://pacificbulbsociety.org/pbswiki/index.php/…
> So my question is, should I send corms to Bridget and if so should I
> remove some of the lower corms. Does anyone have any experience with this?
> Mary Sue
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