EU BX Donations closing soon

Uli via pbs
Fri, 27 Sep 2024 14:56:57 PDT
Dear members living in the EU,

The autumn EU seed and bulb exchange will soon close for donations. 
Please read this email carefully and completely.

We do not set a fixed date  due to the different time span parcels need 
within the EU.

Martin would like to open the distribution for the second round on the 
weekend of October 12 and 13th. Which means that your donation should 
have reached him  by October 10th. The absolute deadline would be 
October 14th but in this case with a complete packing list sent to him 
in advance. ( This solution gives us all some 
flexibility. You will know best how long a parcel will take from your 
home country to Martin's.

Please inform Martin about your donation.

Please do not stress yourself with seed which might not be ripe by then. 
If this is the case it is unlikely that your unripe seed is for autumn 
sowing. (So far we are not able to offer an exchange for the ephemeral 
seeds of South African autumn flowering bulbs) There will be a spring 
exchange for summer growing bulbs and seed to be sown in spring.

If you want to send in seed, it would reduce Martin's workload if you 
would pre-pack five portions. If there is enough seed each portion 
should give a good potful of seedlings. If seed is scarce or rare the 
minimum per packet should be 3 seeds. If there is plenty of seed you can 
add a larger number in an extra envelope as a reserve for Martin in case 
of greater demand.  Pre-packing is voluntary, of course. Seed envelopes 
can be ordered free of charge from Martin. Bulbs should arrive in one 
bag with no pre-packing. Please label everything with the scientific 
name of the plant and your name so that your contribution can be 
referred to you.

As usual, you will get a bonus which covers your postage or 5 US$ 
minimum, only if this is the second donation for this same autumn 
exchange, your bonus will be slightly less.

Please send your donation to:

Martin Bohnet

Ludwigstr. 1

73035 Goeppingen


The opening of the ordering time window will be announced separately 
through the same channels. We can already say that this second round has 
a lot of good stuff to look forward to.....

Don't hesitate to get in touch with me (Uli) if you have questions


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