SX 18 Now Open

bulbSXpbs via pbs
Fri, 25 Oct 2024 04:10:51 PDT
Hello all-

Standard rules apply for SX 18:

Kindly review the list below and email me with your request(s) with

item number(s) AND item name(s)  (this is your receipt)

to I will send a simple acknowledgment of your email
within 24 hours.

Seed requests will be accepted until Sunday night (10/27/24). Packages will
start to be be assembled on Monday.

Be sure to include your full name and current address.

Seed shares are $2 each

Postage $5

You must be current in your membership and you must be up-to-date on BX/SX
charges. If you are uncertain, feel free to check with Jane McGary or

Arnold Trachtenberg.


Orders should be paid upon receipt through the PBS website at:…

Please be sure to reference the SX number above (SX 18), as this helps with

If you are paying for multiple items, please include a note to designate
amounts and specific increments.

You are still free to send payment via check if that is your preference.

Thank you very much to our donors; we sincerely appreciate your efforts!

Janet Hoffmann

1   Allium unifolium

2   Ferraria crispa

3   Freesia laxa ssp. laxa (coral red flowers)

4   Freesia viridis

5   Sisyrinchium bellum

Linda Press Wulf

6   Wachendorfia thrysifolia

Bob Lauf

7   Albuca spiralis

8   Drimia uniflora (2023 and 2024 harvests)

9   Habranthus tubispathus

10 Ornithogalum saundersiae

Emil Friend

11 Amaryllis belladonna, standard pink west coast

Judy McBride

12 Aristea ecklonii (Blue Stars)

13 Habranthus tubispathus (ex BX 491)

14 Iris douglasiana (Douglas Iris)

15 Moraea collina (Single Leaf Cape Tulip)

Jim Barton

(The seeds are estate-grown California natives. On the West Coast, they
must be sown by November 1 to develop a bulblet that can survive warm
weather. When temperatures rise, the plants go dormant. If the bulblet is
too small by the time hot weather arrives, it will not survive.)

16 Brodiaea californica

17 Brodiaea elegans

18 Brodiaea filifolia

19 Brodiaea kinkiensis

20 Brodiaea leptandra

21 Chlorogalum pomeridianum

22 Dichelostemma congestum

23 Dichelostemma ida-mia

24 Dichelostemma multiflorum

25 Dichelostemma volubile

26 Dipterostemon capitatus

27 Triteleia hyacinthina

28 Triteleia ixioides

29 Triteleia laxa

30 Triteleia peduncularis

31 Calochortus albus (white)

32 Calochortus amoenus

33 Calochortus argillosus

34 Calochortus fimbranthus brown splendens tan

35 Calochortus obispoensis

36 Calochortus plummerae

37 Calochortus pulchellus

38 Calochortus simulans

39 Calochortus splendens

40 Calochortus superbus

41 Calochortus umbellatus

42 Calochortus uniflorus

43 Calochortus venustus

44 Calochortus vestae

45 Calochortus weedii

Lisa Zankowski
Seed Exchange Manager
8N655 Dittman Rd
Elgin IL 60124
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