Martin mentioned this recently about another South African plant and we changed it. In retrospect it probably would have been wise to have mentioned the season, instead of the months of flowering. It was easier at the time to just write what the experts in South Africa were noting about the time of flowering. As I've said so many times, there is very little help besides Martin, David, and me on the wiki these days and they are both really busy supporting other parts of PBS. If anyone wants to take on making these massive changes we'd support it. If you put South Africa in the search box for the wiki, you'll get 720 hits. Not all of these would need to be changed, but you'd have to look to find out. In the meantime, when using the wiki if there is a time for flowering written, remember to look at what hemisphere the plant grows in and make the adjustment if you live in a different hemisphere. Long ago when we were having a topic of the week we discovered a few plants that were able to change seasons when moved from one hemisphere to another, but most revert. Mary Sue > In the PBS wiki, I read the following about a freesia that has > naturalized in my own N. California garden, like that of Mary Sue > Ittner. It mentions the flowering time being late July to early > October, which is not what happens in my garden. I realized that the > months mentioned in the Wiki are the months where the plant > originates. Is that correct? If so, wouldn’t it be more helpful for > the Wiki, on a regular basis, to state the season, rather than the > months? In this case, that would be late winter to early spring. > _______________________________________________ pbs mailing list… Unsubscribe: <> PBS Forum https://…