on Hippeastrum "Amaryllis" seed

Tim Eck via pbs pbs@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net
Mon, 13 May 2024 16:18:35 PDT
I never had that assumption although it is true for the more fleshy seeds
like crinums.
I tend to have a less formal filing system which I refer to as a geological
filing system and I found packets of seeds I had mislaid about a year and a
half earlier (according to the stratigraphy) and they appeared to sprout
just fine; although I can't say I documented it as well as you did.

On Mon, May 13, 2024 at 10:57 AM Patrick Hudnall via pbs <
pbs@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net> wrote:

> It has long been said that Hippeastrum seeds have a rather short shelf
> life.  Not so.
> In April of 2022 I gathered a large seed pod from a randomly selected
> hybrid.  It contained 45 quality seeds which I cleaned of chaff.  I divided
> the seed into 3 groups.  Using the "Float" method I had 14 germinate of 15
> sewn.  I placed the remaining 30 seeds in a ziplock bag in my refrigerator
> at 35ºF (1.6ºC).  In May of 2023 I sewed 15 of the remaining, refrigerated
> seeds, again using the float method having 14 germinate.  In May of this
> year, 2024, I removed the remaining 15 from the refrigerator and sewed
> them, with all 15 germinating.  I just planted those and will grow
> to maturity.
> Well, refrigeration seems to preserve Hippeastrum seed quality for at least
> 25 months.
> Next, I will test seeds stored at ~ warm room temperature, 23ºC.
> Patrick Hudnall
> Houston, Texas, USA
> Zone 9
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