BX 495 Special Offer for South African Bulb Company

Mike via pbs pbs@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net
Mon, 06 May 2024 19:08:45 PDT

Thank you so much for taking your experience and offering this opportunity
to the group!  You, Arnold, Bridget and anyone else involved are all to be

It’s an exciting step forward for PBS!  My hope is this strengthens the
group and makes membership that much more desirable to people looking at
our group.

Again, thanks to all for a visionary new program to move PBS forward.

San Diego….did we just have rain in May?

On Sat, May 4, 2024 at 9:33 AM Robert Lauf via pbs <
pbs@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net> wrote:

>  We'll see how this plays out.  The current order is nearly ten times the
> size of my previous orders, so shipping will either be by DHL or perhaps
> some other air freight option might be a bit cheaper.  Leigh will figure
> that out after everything has been picked and ready to ship.  My small
> orders were still a good deal even after shipping costs, and this one will
> be proportionately better.
> After the whole thing is done, we'll look at the whole process and review
> the lessons learned so that if/when someone wants to organize another such
> enterprise, they can look for improvements.  I'll work with Arnold and
> Bridget to prepare a final accounting of everything so it will be clear
> where the costs are.  And naturally, participants are welcome to report
> their satisfaction, suggestions, or complaints on the list or forum.
> So far, I think this thing is going smoothly.  Miraculously everyone has
> learned to read instructions and has sent their requests to me and not to
> the list.  The folks at SA Bulb are on top of it and will pursue their end
> in an organized, efficient way.
> Bob   Zone 7, cool and rainy
>     On Saturday, May 4, 2024 at 12:17:18 PM EDT, D via pbs <
> pbs@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net> wrote:
>  I’m working on ordering seed from SA direct to west coast, and using FedEx
> turns out very reasonable and fast. $19 for quite a bit of seed and between
> 1-2 weeks. Seems like shipping seed for these more reasonable prices is
> new? I’d guess a larger box of bulbs would be more, but still more
> reasonable than prices I’ve heard before in the past. Wondering if people
> have checked FedEx? Thought I’d mention this shipping information…
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