Cameron McMaster's Farmer's Weekly articles

Mary Sue Ittner via pbs
Tue, 21 May 2024 07:33:25 PDT
Rhoda McMaster has kindly shared with us the articles Cameron wrote 
between 2007 and 2009 for Farmer's Weekly about many South African bulbs 
so we could archive them and they would be available to download. I've 
spent a lot of time adding them to the wiki and linking them to the wiki 
pages of the genera, family, or species he was writing about. The pdf 
files are really good quality since they are the originals and the 
information is informative and interesting and the photos spectacular. 
Cameron hoped to educate farmers about the wonderful bulbs they might 
find on their properties in the hope that they would be protected and 
conserved. You can find these articles here:…

And there is a link too on the archive page.…

David has informed me that some people have already found them. We are 
grateful that these articles can have wider distribution.

Mary Sue
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