D via pbs
Sun, 16 Jun 2024 09:28:49 PDT
Hi Bridget, I sent an email with our order. After not getting a
confirmation I checked the address which looks correct, and resent it.
Still haven’t got a confirmation?

Please advise

On Mon, Jun 10, 2024 at 7:45 PM Bridget Wosczyna via pbs <> wrote:

> All: Please read this post/email in its entirety prior to ordering so we
> will
> have no confusion and your boxes can get out to you quickly.  It will make
> my job a bit easier.  You *cannot* reply to this email or your order may be
> lost.  Please take that into consideration and be sure to send a
> *separate *email.
> I am unable to track threads and keep things organized.  This is a huge
> BX.
> **This BX will be open for orders until Friday, June 14 at 9:00 p.m. PST**
> Standard rules apply for this BX:
> Kindly review the list below and email me with your request(s) at
> ** <>.
> I will send a simple acknowledgement of your email.  Should you not
> have a response
> from me within a day or so, please resend.
> *Be sure to include your full name and current address and PLEASE advise if
> you have moved recently so I may note.*
> Bulbs are $3 each.  Many of these are only one share and in short
> supply. *Again:
> some of the donors have sent me only one share of some things.*  I would
> like to temper expectations.
> This will be a lottery (however, if you did not receive something you were
> especially keen on last round, kindly advise and I will try to assure some
> accommodation. Also, if there is something you really are looking to
> receive, it helps for me to know this as well.)
> You must be current in your membership and you must be up-to-date on BX/SX
> charges. If you are uncertain, feel free to check with Jane McGary or
> Arnold Trachtenberg.
> Orders should be paid upon receipt through the PBS website at:
> *…
> <…>
> Please be sure to reference the BX number above (496), this helps us with
> accounting.
> *You are still free to send payment via check if that is your preference.*
> No orders to anywhere but the US and (sometimes) Canada can be entertained
> at this point.  We cannot furnish the appropriate phyto docs to other
> countries.
> Thank you as always to our current donors.  Be advised that any and all
> mistakes on spelling are likely mine.  If donors see an issue with their
> listed item, please feel free to chime in.
> **This BX will be open for orders until Saturday, April 6 at 9:00 p.m.
> PST**
> 1 Sauromatum giganteum           *Amy Olmsted*
> 2 Arisaema fargesii
> 3 Arisaema taiwanense
> 4 Ferraria crispa                        *Judy Wong*
> 5 Ixia   white flower w/ blackish red base
> 6 Oxalis callosa                          *Mary Sue Ittner*
> 7 Oxalis engleriana
> 8 Oxalis flava (pink flowers)
> 9 Oxalis hirta
> 10 Oxalis hirta 'Gothenburg'
> 11 Oxalis hirta (mauve)
> 12 Oxalis imbricata
> 13 Oxalis livida
> 14 Oxalis luteola MV 5567
> 15 Oxalis melanosticta 'Ken Aslet'
> 16 Oxalis obtusa 'Peaches & Cream'
> 17 Oxalis obtusa (pink)
> 18 Oxalis obtusa MV5005a
> 19 Oxalis obtusa MV6235
> 20 Oxalis pulchella var. tomentosa
> 21 Oxalis purpurea 'Skar'
> 22 Oxalis zeekoevleyensis
> 23 Phaedranassa sp. (grown from seed or offsets from Phaedranassa carmiolii
> (probably not that) or P. cinerea
> 24 Tulipa 'Daydream' (small bulblets)
> 25 Achimenes admirabilis- plant NOW             *Rimmer de Vries*
> 26 Allium amethystinum BX 252
> 27 Allium guttatum dalmaticum (purple) Montenegro, Petrovac 750m AH9114
> 28 Allium tall small drumstick mauve ex China
> 29 Babaian vanzijliae BX 447
> 30 Babiana ambigua ex Silver Hill 144567 BX 471
> 31 Babiana ecklonii BS 450
> 32 Babiana framesii BX 446
> 33 Babiana melanops BX 478-113
> 34 Babiana patula ex Silver Hill 14685 BX 478-117
> 35 Babiana patersoniae BX 478-116
> 36 Babiana pulchra SX 11-311
> 37 Babiana rubrocyanea - Jeremy Spon
> 38 Babiana rubrocyanea BX 471
> 39 Babiana sambucina Jourbertiana ex SH 287 BC 471
> 40 Babiana sp. BX 429
> 41 Babiana stricta
> 42 Babiana stricta hybrids?
> 43 Babiana tubulosa BX 471
> 44 Babiana vanzijliae
> 45 Babiana virginea P Goldblatt type collection Roggeveld
> 46 Babiana ‘Jim’s Choice’ SX11-310
> 47 Babiana mucronata ex Silver Hill 13799 BX 478-114
> 48 Babiana pygmaea ex Silverhill 284 ex Hort BX 478-118
> 49 Barnardia japonica/ aka Scilla scilloides
> 50 Cyanella hyacinthoides BX 252
> 51 Cyanella lutea - Bredasdorp
> 52 Cyanella lutea - Robertson
> 53 Cyanella orchidiformis BX 368
> 54 Cyanella orchidiformis west coast RSA
> 55 Cyanella cygnea
> 56 Cyrtanthus inaequalis S of ladysmith Hannon offset
> 57 Cyrtanthus labiatus offsets, BX444
> 58 Drimia uniflora aka Litanthus pusillus- plant now
> 59 Eliokarmos salteri Narouwsbert (Drimia salteri) - Terry Smale 700A
> 60 Eustephia Darwinii - Cuzco, Peru- ex Telos, ex Charles
> Gorenstein
> 61 Gloriosa modesta BX 455-2
> 62 Haemanthus albiflos
> 63 Haemanthus paucifolius Telos epiphyte
> 64 Hippeastrum striatum ‘Cianorte’
> 65 Irid volunteer
> 66 Ixia ‘Baby Blue’
> 67 Ixia flexuosa SX11-405
> 68 Ixia hybrids BX 445
> 69 Ixia paniculata
> 70 Ixia rapunculoides SX11-406
> 71 Ixia thomasiae SX11-407
> 72 Ixia trifolia
> 73 Ixia vinacea
> 74 Ixia white magenta eye BX 445
> 75 Lachenalia orchioides pale yellow form
> 76 Lachenalia bachmanii SX Feb 2014
> 77 Lachenalia juncifolia
> 78 Lachenalia latimerae short pink plant
> 79 Lachenalia liliflora BX 432
> 80 Lachenalia mislabeled as stayeniae from Terry Smale
> 81  Lachenalia orthopetala
> 82 Notholirion thomsonianum
> 83 Ornithogalum ‘Sun Star’
> 84 Oxalis obtusa hardy spring bloom pink
> 85 Resnova macrophylla- wet packed
> 86 Rhadamanthus aff. platyphyllus ex BX 214
> 87 Scilla madeirensis from Longfield Garden 2014
> 88 Sinningia ‘Spanish Skirts’
> 89 Sparaxis elegans- orange SX11
> 90 Sparaxis maculosa
> 91 Sparaxis metelekampiae seed from BX 478-172
> 92 Strumaria truncata
> 93 Tritonia flabellifolia BX 446
> 94 Tritonia deusta BX 446
> 95 Tritonia gladiolaris ‘cream’ BX 478
> 96 Tritonia pallida ssp. tayloriae BX453 #6
> 97 Urginea undulata var. tazensis KV seed 2017- 442 blooms in July- Aug,
> plant in hot sunny dryish location now
> 98 Galanthus 'Blewberry Tart'        *Anonymous Donor (PBS member)*
> 99 Galanthus 'Greenish'
> 100 Galanthus 'Cowhouse Green'
> 101 Amorphophallus dunnii RP1                     *      Robert Parks*
> 102 Amorphophallus dunnii RP2
> 103 Amorphophallus henryi Narrow Leaf
> 104 Amorphophallus konjac Nightstick
> 105 Amorphophallus konjac RP5
> 106 Amorphophallus konjac Swallowtail
> 107 Amorphophallus myosuroides Green Leaf
> 108 Amorphophallus myosuroides Silver Center
> 109 Amorphophallus ongsakulii
> 110 Arum byzantinum
> 111 Arum dioscoridis v. syriacum
> 112 Biarum sp. (lost label)
> 113 Colocasia x Pharaohs Mask
> 114 Furcraea foetida 'Variegata'
> 115 Geissorhiza aspera
> 116 Gladiolus alatus
> 117 Gladiolus carmineus
> 118 Gladiolus maculatus
> 119 Gladiolus pulcherrimus
> 120 Haemanthus barkerae
> 121 Ixia paniculata (tall)
> 122 Ixia polystachya Baby Blue
> 123 Ixia rapunculoides
> 124 Ixia X Spotlight          2
> 125 Lachenalia ensifolia ssp. maughanii
> 126 Lachenalia splendida
> 127 Lachenalia trichophylla
> 128 Oxalis burkei
> 129 Oxalis engleriana
> 130 Oxalis fabaefolia
> 131 Oxalis flabellifolia
> 132 Oxalis flava RP1
> 133 Oxalis flava (pink)
> 134 Oxalis flava RP2
> 135 Oxalis flava v. pectinaria
> 136 Oxalis hirta (mauve)
> 137 Oxalis hirta RP2
> 138 Oxalis luteola glauca
> 139 Oxalis luteola MV5567
> 140 Oxalis massoniana
> 141 Oxalis melanosticta
> 142 Oxalis melanosticta Ken Aslet
> 143 Oxalis namaquana RP1
> 144 Oxalis namaquana RP2
> 145 Oxalis oreithala
> 146 Oxalis palmifrons RP1
> 147 Oxalis pardalis MV 7632
> 148 Oxalis pocockiae
> 149 Oxalis polyphylla
> 150 Oxalis purpurea (common lavender)
> 151 Oxalis purpurea (white)
> 152 Oxalis purpurea (yellow)
> 153 Oxalis sp. Oudtshoorn
> 154 Oxalis versicolor RP1
> 155 Oxalis X Golden Cape
> 156 Sauromatum giganteum
> 157 Sauromatum venosum Green Stem
> 158 Sauromatum venosum Indian Giant 3
> 159 Strumaria discifera
> 160  Typhonium roxburghii
> 161 Ullucus tuberosus Long Pink
> 162 Ullucus tuberosus Moclips
> 163 Hermodactylus tuberosa (Iris tuberosa)          *James Shao*
> 164 Ferraria crispa v. nortieri
> 165 Oxalis glabra dark pink ex Telos
> 166 Ferraria crispa          dark, ex Telos
> 167 Ferraria crispa           ex Telos
> 168 Pterostylis curta 'Keun Hee'
> *(Key: Silverhill number, locality and year sown)       James Heinrich *
> 169 Gladiolus uysiae       Silverhill #3879 (Nieuwoudtville); 2012
> 170 Sparaxis elegans       Silverhill 2332 (ex hort); 2012
> 171 Sparaxis grandiflora ssp acutiloba     Silverhill #2334 (Citrusdal);
> 2012
> 172 Sparaxis grandiflora ssp fimbriata     Silverhill 2335 (ex. hort); 2012
> 173 Sparaxis grandiflora ssp grandiflora  Silverhill 2336 (ex. Hort); 2012
> 174 Sparaxis grandiflora ssp violacea       Silverhill #2337 (ex.hort.);
> 2012
> 175 Sparaxis metelekampiae      Silverhill 5487 (Nieuwoudtville); 2012
> 176 Sparaxis tricolor       Silverhill 2339 (Nieuwoudtville); 2012
> 177 Ipheion uniflorum                      *Denis Kearns*
> 178 Lycoris radiata                           *Dorothy Dron Smith*
> 179 Galanthus elwesii                      *A. Trachtenberg*
>       unnamed seedlings, variety of different markings, garden grown
> Thanks!
> Bridget
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