Crocosmia 'Paul's Best Yellow'

Jane McGary via pbs
Thu, 20 Jun 2024 11:33:13 PDT
I think Bob was having trouble registering for the forum, but I don't 
know enough about it to offer him guidance. Would someone who does, 
please write to him with step-by-step directions? My form letter to new 
members contains a link to register, but perhaps it's not clear enough. 
Posting photos on the forum can also require some familiarity with that 
type of action.

Jane McGary, Membership Coordinator, PBS

On 6/20/2024 11:16 AM, Arnold Trachtenberg via pbs wrote:
> Hi Nan
> We have a group that administers our IT stuff and I can’t speak for them but my impression is as follows.
> We eventually would like to move everything over to the Forum format. There’s been many complaints about image management with our email list
> With the forum you can view things you’re interested in and disregard whatever doesn’t interest you
> The forum has an archive that’s easy to go back and review.
> Arnold
> Sent from the all new AOL app for iOS
> On Thursday, June 20, 2024, 1:46 PM, Nan Sterman via pbs <> wrote:
> I'm curious why the decision was made to exclude images in the list.  It really makes things confusing and is often frustrating not to be able to share images we are talking about or asking about.  What's the reasoning?
> Thanks
>> On Jun 20, 2024, at 10:25 AM, Arnold Trachtenberg via pbs <> wrote:
>> Hi Bob
>> Images are not permitted on this email list
>> Go to the PBS page and sign up to post images.
>> ArnoldSent from the all new AOL app for iOS
>> On Thursday, June 20, 2024, 1:17 PM, Bob Pries via pbs <> wrote:
>> On my first attempt I have not figured out how to post to the forum. Maybe
>> that is what I am doing now? I curious as to who is Paul and does anyone
>> know more about this crocosmia? I will include a picture.
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