Haemanthus albiflos seed offering - Michael Homick

Michael Homick via pbs pbs@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net
Mon, 08 Jan 2024 18:09:34 PST
Haemanthus albiflos seed offering

I have a number of Haemanthus albiflos plants that have ripe *seed*
available for anyone with a USA mailing address. I will gladly ship seed
with the hope that the person receiving the seed sends a donation to the
PBS for what it is worth to them. I will be willing to cover the postage
expenses. Email me privately please and not to the group. Let me know how
many seeds you could utilize as I will probably have 1000 or more available.

Images of the plants can be viewed from this link I have attached.


All the best Michael Homick, California- michaelhomick@gmail.com
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