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Mary Gorton via pbs
Sat, 20 Jan 2024 19:15:24 PST
 Hello Jane,
19703  19707 19710 19711   19803 19807 19808 119810  would be plenty.

Thanks very much, Jane.  I saw a Charles Hunter offering Arisaema seeds from Northern Delaware that made me curious how many PBS neighbors I have.
Mary Gorton

    On Saturday, January 20, 2024 at 07:38:19 PM EST, Jane McGary via pbs <> wrote:  
 Hello, Mary,

I keep the membership database for PBS. I can't look up members in 
certain counties, because the county is not part of the mailing address. 
However, I might be able to identify appropriate ZIP codes.


Jane McGary, Membership Coordinator, PBS
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