My favorite new Moraea hybrids, 2023

Mike via pbs
Sat, 09 Sep 2023 14:14:18 PDT
Hey Mike,

Stunning as Usual.  I’ve selected below  for special merit, the following.
Best Stripe Category 2023 Season:
Best Spotted Category 2023 Season:

Oh my Ladies and Gentleman we have a tie,

Best Color Combination for 2023
19-99b. Sophisticated for sure

Mike, always cool to see what you have developed….

The above are some I really enjoyed seeing in your collection.

What’s the total timeframe from the day you pollenate to observe first
flower from one of your moraea hybrids.,typically.


On Fri, Sep 8, 2023 at 8:46 PM Michael Mace via pbs <> wrote:

> Hi, gang.
> I know some folks don't like hybrids. If that's you, my apologies and
> please
> move on to the next message.
> Here are a few of my favorite new Moraea hybrids from spring 2023. I've
> been
> breeding these things for more than a decade, and I continue to be amazed
> by
> how much genetic diversity there is in them. I get surprising new things
> every year.
> This year, the standouts were:
> --An intensely colored striped flower, MM 19-17b. I've had striped flowers
> before, but usually on a white background. This one has intense colors all
> over the place.
> --A red hybrid, MM 19-86a. In the wild there is a red form of M.
> tulbaghensis, but I've never been able to get seeds or pollen of it (if you
> have any suggestions, let me know). I've been trying to breed a substitute
> for years, and this is the most successful result so far.
> --Yellow and white, MM 19-56b. To me, this is a very elegant flower.
> Unfortunately, the yellow fades to dull cream after about a day. But that
> first day is fantastic.
> There's an article on my website with many more examples:
> As usual, I am very open to any advice you have on my breeding program. I
> am
> not a trained botanist, so I'll welcome any help I can get.
> And don't worry, species fans, I am also doing my best to propagate the
> Moraea species that I have here, and I'll share seeds in upcoming
> exchanges.
> Mike
> San Jose, CA
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