No president, no PBS?

Jane McGary via pbs
Thu, 12 Oct 2023 14:23:51 PDT
Some time ago I requested nominations for PBS offices. The only office 
that will definitely become vacant at the end of this year is President. 
I received a few suggestions, but no nominations and no applications to 
be considered. I wrote that I needed names by October 15, and it is 
almostĀ  upon us.

The president is the chief manager of PBS, organizing Zoom meetings and 
votes of the board, making decisions, and consulting with all the other 
officers and managers. The Society cannot operate without this officer. 
Surely we have members who value what PBS does for them enough to take 
on this admittedly detail-oriented task.

Please write to me privately (do not reply to list) as soon as possible 
if you would like to be considered.

In some desperation,

Jane McGary, Membership Coordinator and Nominating Committee head.

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