What to do with unsuitable geophytes?

Robert Parks via pbs pbs@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net
Mon, 06 Nov 2023 05:51:45 PST
Well, of course, send 'em to the BX!

Unless they are too heavy and unwieldy to ship...

If there is anyone local to San Francisco, these are available for pickup:
Urginea maritima (or whatever is currently), multiple bulbs 4-6" diameter,
unhappy due to cool summers
Scilla peruviana-large clump, excess to needs
Impatiens insignis-multiple plants, deciduous, wants wet conditions to
flower well, may prefer cool summers

Email me if you'd like any or all: Robert's email <trolleypup@gmail.com>

in cool, currently rainy San Francisco...maybe enough wetting rain to sow
seeds, and get the planted out bulbs to get going for the winter.
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