pbs Digest, Vol 81, Issue 16

Arnold Trachtenberg via pbs pbs@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net
Sat, 25 Nov 2023 13:15:45 PST
 Hi Janet
Welcome to  the group.
We don't  permit photos on this  email list  you will have to go to the Forum to post photos.
It's here:

    On Saturday, November 25, 2023 at 03:05:15 PM EST, Janet Hoffmann via pbs <pbs@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net> wrote:  
 As a relative newbie to this group, I enjoy learning more about the people involved in managing the PBS. I greatly appreciate their work and all of the information provided and exchanged along with the seeds and bulbs. 

I recently built a bulb bed in my San Jose, CA backyard based on information from this group. It is a redwood planter about 1.5’ tall with about 6’ of sand at the bottom to sink my bulb pots into. I also covered the top with 1//2" hardware cloth to keep out the critters that were knocking over my bulb pots. The planter is in the partial shade of a small deciduous tree. Hopefully my growing collection of S African and CA bulbs will do well there. I have attached a couple photos below and hope that they came through so that people can see them.

I also took a photo of my seed starting bench in my glassed in patio. Not a true greenhouse but with windows on 3 sides and skylights in the center so it get’s a lot of light. It is not heated and our night-time temperatures are getting into the high 30’s F so I have the starter flats set on a heating mat with a timer set to run from 10pm to 7am. I start my seeds in paper pots made from newspaper using a Pot-Maker, a wooden device that is fairly inexpensive and available online. I find the paper pots work well for bulb seeds because I can just transfer the whole pot to a large pot and grow them on for a couple years without disturbing the seedlings. I know that many people on this forum have much more elaborate greenhouse set-ups for colder climates but thought some people who are having trouble getting started in warmer areas like N California might benefit from my early experiences.

Janet Hoffmann
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