Bulb seeds

Jim Foster via pbs pbs@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net
Wed, 29 Nov 2023 08:57:40 PST
The Brunsvigia josephanae and bosmaniae as well as Boophone 
haemanthoides I have flowered this year and again if I am not prompt in 
harvesting the seed heads most of the seeds have already sprouted.  
Unfortunately none of my B. disticha have ever set a single seed but 
I've not had the things flower in unison so I can do some crossing just 
for the heck of it. I'm too disorganized to freeze pollen.

I don't expect to bring the seed to flower, I'm 82, so I generally give 
it away.

I do have a couple of 5-6 year old disticha bulbs I want to donate to a 
local garden (Lotusland) but have never tried to move them, any tips 
would be appreciated.

On a lightly different note I have a mixed collection of haemanthoides 
and disticha which I've painted different bright colors with the intent 
of making a large mobile.  As it turns out it after I ran the numbers so 
to speak it would be too large to put anywhere so I made a sort of pile 
in an alcove on a wall.  It is quite striking and visitors always 
comment on it not knowing what they are.  I also made a hat for Burning 
Man which I'll put on the forum.

Jim Foster

Santa Barbara
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