President's Message

fritchick via pbs
Wed, 22 Nov 2023 19:34:31 PST

Let me begin by heartily thanking immediate past President Robin Hansen for
her efforts on behalf of the Society.  We wish her well in the future, but
as she will continue to edit The Bulb Garden, are happy she will still be
involved with PBS.  We are grateful for her experience, expertise and time
at the helm. I must also personally recognize Jan Jeddeloh, who wrangled
the SX for the last couple of years, as she steps out of her role and gets
to spend more time on her own endeavors.

I would like to welcome Mark Akimoff and Lisa Zankowski to the Board in
their respective positions as Vice President and Seed Exchange Manager.
I would also like to thank each of our current Board members for
their efforts on behalf of PBS.  A stellar team of dedicated bulb nuts
whose combined knowledge is vast. Each of them brings something interesting
and helpful to the table. I have already learned much from them and they
are generous with their time and energy. There is much happening behind the
scenes to keep PBS running of which many members may not be aware.

I thought it may be helpful to share a little bit of background on myself.
I garden in southeast Pennsylvania.  My passion is hardy aroids, arums and
arisaema, especially.  Many of you have had interaction with me in my
position as Bulb Exchange Manager, of course, and I will continue to hold
that position. It is one of my favorite things about PBS: I get to see all
of the fabulous items our members donate and send them on their way to new
homes.  Every small box represents a whole lot of hope and excitement.

My horticultural background is hobby grower, prior owner of a small garden
maintenance business and garden enthusiast.

My journey to heading up PBS is amusing to me.  About ten years ago a
friend of mine who lives in Australia introduced me to arums - really
interesting arums; he grew enormous dracunculus and miniscule biarum.  They
spoke to me because I am into nearly any plant that possesses a spadix. I
had been growing arisaema for years but had not explored further as I was
creating a Japanese woodland garden at my last house.  Mediterranean
bulbs/corms were a revelation.  I was hooked, but how to get all these cool
things?  He suggested I join horticultural societies and acquire seed. I
did. NARGS, SRGC, PBS. I ordered seeds from all, treated them all wrong and
lost mostly everything.  But then I requested bulbs and corms from PBS.
And the love affair began.  After several years, I volunteered to take over
the BX because I felt I needed to give back to PBS.  I'd enjoyed
inexpensive access to rare bulbs you cannot obtain easily, not to mention
access to the Wiki.  (An invaluable resource. It is by far one of the best
tools referred to time and again by experts and newbies all over the world.)

My seed game still needs work; I'm getting there. But I do have a lovely
collection of arum and relatives growing in my garden, along with myriad
member-donated items I've received over the years from the BX. I've been
posting on social media about membership having its privileges for some
time and will continue to do so. Louder.  I am PBS's biggest cheerleader.

My hope for my time as President is to grow the Society, foster improved
communication between the Board and members where appropriate, assure we
are financially stable, make some changes to our social media presence and
shepherd new ideas as they are introduced.

I'm looking forward to the next couple of years as a steward of PBS. It's
important to me.

Thank you.
Bridget Wosczyna

P.S.  I would like to reiterate the matter that Arnold addressed in his
recent email: membership.  If you renew (or join) now, you can do so at the
current rate of $20 a year US ($25 overseas).  You could renew for the next
few years at that current rate of $20 (or $25 overseas) as long as you do
so by December 31.  Thereafter, annual membership rates will be increased
to $25/$30.
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