Recalcitrant Seed (Haemanthus albiflos) available

Robert Parks via pbs
Sun, 28 May 2023 08:53:42 PDT
 Hello again-

We have a seed share that may be of interest to you.  Thanks to
Mary Sue Ittner who harvested the seed and brought it to the post office!

Please email me privately at by Tuesday night, May
I will portion seed, invoice and probably ship Wednesday or Thursday.
$6.50 per portion including shipping (Canada will calculate once
packaged-usually US$15-20)

Please include your name and shipping address in your email. Shipping is at
your risk, weather conditions at the delivery point can affect ephemeral
seed viability.

Haemanthus albiflos - some are already sprouting, so be ready to plant
them. The minimum portion will be 5 seeds.

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