BX2023 491 OPEN

Rimmer de Vries via pbs pbs@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net
Sun, 25 Jun 2023 08:28:13 PDT
Item 48 Resnova megaphylla are one year seedlings in growth. Two pots of seedlings were sent to the BX to be unpotted and mailed in damp towel on the distribution. 

These seedlings are well spotted forms with bright purplish-pink flowers originally collected in Tonteldoos, Limpopo. They should bloom in 3-4 years if kept happy; moist in summer growth, dry when dormant when it is not warm out.   

Item 49 the mad scilla are 3 large bulbs from Longfield gardens in 2014 that have not bloomed in a while, better culture is needed. 


> 48           Resnova               megaphylla
> 49           Scilla      madeirensis

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