Keeping this a healthy place for people and bulbs

Linda P. Wulf via pbs
Fri, 11 Aug 2023 13:02:07 PDT
Unfortunately, the words expressed by critics on social media (and I am now
including this venue) are not chosen carefully or expressed moderately, and
this inevitably causes pain, which is suffered unseen. It is not ok to
write things one would not say in person - and in front of a large
audience. Like the member who publicly unsubscribed, I have found it
difficult to read such angry vehemence on a platform created to share a
love of nature. Of course it is legitimate to call for more attention to
refreshing the composition of the board or more professional management of
new people who volunteer. But it is too easy (and transparent) to justify
bitter and humiliating attacks by labelling them as  constructive or
passionate. Those who speak with moderation are constructive; those who
volunteer hour after hour are passionate. Thank you to both.

Linda Press Wulf in the Berkeley hills of Northern California

P.S. I appreciate the bulbs I received from members via Bridget Wosczyna
and the efficient list with circled numbers that she has recently
instituted (and the hard work of  Luminita Vollmer in the past). And also
the helpful article on growing from seed that Robin Hansen contributed to *The
Bulb Garden. *The patience of Arnold Trachtenberg when I pay for membership
and bulbs. The deep knowledge of Jane McGary and the generosity of Mary Sue
Ittner. The enthusiasm of the member who lives in sunny Portugal. I've left
out quite a few but  I appreciate the others whose names come up again and
again as steadfast volunteers of help to those of us who are largely
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