Treasurer's role

Robert Lauf via pbs
Tue, 08 Aug 2023 11:01:24 PDT
 I haven't seen any evidence of financial mismanagement, and it's a credit to the dedication of Arnold and the exchange coordinators that they devote the time they do to keeping track of so many small transactions.
Reading Mike's earlier letter, I had a few key take-aways:
1. Do we want the society to grow?  If so, that takes some money to exploit more social media, do advertising, or whatever.
2. What are the benefits of being a dues-paying member?  Certainly not the wiki, which is free and open to the public.  Not meetings, activities, or events, because our geographic spread makes them impossible.  So the primary benefit is access to the exchanges.  These should be regarded as the real lifeblood of the society, regardless of how much money they bring in.  They are also a key element in our conservation/preservation mission.  Donations to the exchanges are an extreme version of the old 80/20 rule; I'm guessing 80% of the donations come from 5% of the members, but I'd welcome more accurate numbers if anyone has them.  The point is that, money aside, exchange coordinators and exchange donors seem to me to be the Little Red Hens whom we absolutely need to keep happy.  Along with our IT guru, of course!
   Donors can take their free stuff anywhere and have no shortage of takers.  You need them worse than they need you.
Bob   Zone 7  
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