Slugs and a request for your comments

Marc Rosenblum via pbs
Tue, 22 Aug 2023 10:44:59 PDT

I usually try to avoid using poisons. However, if I get a heavy or 
persistent infestation of insects; Malathion is very effective, has low 
toxicity, and breaks down to non-toxic components in 3-4 days.

Marc  [Falls City, OR]

On 8/22/2023 5:14 AM, Leigh Blake via pbs wrote:
> Love our snakes!!!  Here in Trail we have a lovely selection of Gopher,
> Ring-necked, North Western Rattler, Garter, Red Racer...and maybe Western
> Boa.  All of ours do their job and our kitties do not molest them. We also
> love our very friendly Fence Swifts, Blue tailed Skinks and Alligator
> lizards...All are welcome...In our garden we enjoy and watch our reptiles
> and amphibians...this is what our garden has become...a small sanctuary of
> all creatures...with the exception of california Ground Squirrels!!  These
> guys have been more destructive than any of our deer!!! I think gardens
> should always encourage our habitat for all species becomes
> more difficult...Birds are so ALL poisons...and I mean ALL
> poisons are NOT allowed on our wild property...and I am aghast at the
> poisons that are still being allowed. MOST pests can be controlled by
> Nature's BALANCE...too many people... less and less wildlife  Happy
> Tuesday..No rain last night, alas..Leigh Blake , Trail Oregon
> On Mon, Aug 21, 2023 at 8:00 PM Robin Hansen via pbs <
>> wrote:
>> I've seen several snakes this year, unlike previous years, babies and
>> adults. But few adult slugs or snails and normally I would see slug eggs in
>> early spring or late fall/winter but almost none as they love to lay the
>> eggs in my pots. My cat has had a few birds, doesn't seem interested in
>> mice, and there are no voles. With so many free roaming cats here though,
>> there's no surprise about that.
>> Alex came to me as a 4-week-old dumped orphan and has been always so very
>> timid. She missed the lessons her mom would have taught her.
>> Love all the comments. I'm still in slug pellet mode as the dog ignores
>> them and a little goes a long way.
>> Robin Hansen
>> Smoke going, cooler
>> 14 miles in from the Pacific Ocean
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