Slugs and a request for your comments

mark akimoff via pbs
Mon, 21 Aug 2023 17:44:21 PDT
Hi Robin,

For years I had a cat that would hunt snakes (our common garter snake),
along with the voles and moles and camas pocket gopher. Sadly Ginger the
cat passed away some years ago and I now have Sam the cat for biocontrol.
He however does not hunt snakes and this year I have had them everywhere
from the rock garden to the alpine house to the bulb house in good numbers.
I have also had the fewest slug issues ever this year. I know the garter
snake is also known as the gardener snake because it's so beneficial in the
control of not only slugs but many other pests as well.  For what it is
worth, I think doing anything you can to attract snakes into the growing
area is very beneficial!


On Sat, Aug 19, 2023 at 10:54 PM Robin Hansen via pbs <> wrote:

> While I saw very few slugs and snails this early spring through mid-summer,
> as I'm potting up a lot right now, I'm finding baby slugs in and on the
> bottoms of pots which are watered regularly. An unusual situation because
> normally, I find a lot of adults in spring and early summer.
> My questions are about your experiences this year, perhaps as compared to
> last year, what species you have seen, which plants you find the most
> vulnerable, and what control methods you use. There are some of us a bit
> squeamish about disposal methods, so may I suggest only brief descriptions
> of methods of attack without details, if that's possible??? Remember, many
> of these little animals are imports so please distinguish between what you
> know to be native slugs and their habits, and European or other slugs and
> their habits.
> Methods change, the chemicals we are allowed to purchase changes and our
> gardens change. We may stop growing some vulnerable plants and find others
> that work better. Please tell us about those also.
> Regards,
> Robin Hansen
> 10 degrees warmer than last summer on the Oregon
> Southwest coast. Not a drop of rain since May
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