Hypseocharis pimpinellifolia

XYZ2 in Virginia via pbs pbs@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net
Thu, 24 Aug 2023 07:17:46 PDT
Hypseocharis pimpinellifolia of the Geraniaceae family is an interesting
geophyte from Argentina, Bolivia, and Peru.  It has nice flowers,
interesting foliage, and forms a large tuber.  It appears to be in
cultivation, but this is not done widely.  A search of the PBS list yielded
no results and an internet search yielded no sources for seeds or plants.  A
search of recent NARGS and AGS SXs was negative.


Is anyone growing this plant or does anyone have any information about
possible sources for it?  If so, you can contact me at 867ykcor@cox.net
<mailto:867ykcor@cox.net>  or by responding to the List.


Here's the link about is on the PBS Wiki.




Here's another link about it from the UK.




Thank you for your help.  I appreciate it.


Best regards,


Bern in Williamsburg



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