Trillium seed exchange-please read

Jan Jeddeloh via pbs
Sun, 06 Aug 2023 15:52:31 PDT
All the trillium seed went out Friday which means it should arrive in your mailboxes this week.  I have good news and bad news.  The good news is I had plenty of western trillium and enough of the eastern trillium that most people got what they wanted.  The bad news is I only had two packets of Trillium underwoodii and some seeds were in small supply so the seed packets only contain five seeds.  

As soon as you get the seed plant it immediately, and by immediately I mean that day or the next.  The seed is packed in little plastic envelopes with a bit of moist paper towel.  This means there isn’t much air and the seed is likely to rot if kept in these packets very long.  If for some reason you can’t sow it immediately remove the paper towel and throw in some VERY slightly moist potting mix or vermiculite or some such to hold it.  Even better transfer the seed to a regular baggie and add more moist soil.  The idea here is to keep the seed moist, but not soggy, and aerated.  

Some of the western trilliums may have some elaisome still attached.  If it’s gooey wash it off, otherwise you can just sow it with the elaisome.  I’ve done this before and had good germination.

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