PBS after morning coffee……

Denis Kearns via pbs pbs@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net
Wed, 09 Aug 2023 09:37:10 PDT
I would like to thank all the folks who donate their time, energy,
expertise, seeds, and bulbs to making PBS such an amazing resource.  It’s
nice to be part of a community that is doing something to make the world a
little nicer and that has a focus on sharing.  This includes sharing
tangible items, like seeds and bulbs, but also the vast amount of
experience and expertise that can be found within our membership.  I
particularly like that the “Pacific” includes other parts of the world,
both in plants and in membership.  Some of us are retired and have the
luxury of being able to contribute more.  Some have extensive collections
which allow a greater contribution to the exchanges (thank you!); some may
only have a few items within the geophysical universe that we can offer,
and some don’t have anything extra to share, but still enjoy being a part
of PBS.  We all have different stories and all are valuable members of our
wonderful little society.  We are all human, with all our idiosyncrasies (a
word I learned from my mother at an early age!) and we all need to remember
to be kind to one another.  Just my two cents.  In the future, I  hope to
be more involved with PBS, once I end this veliger stage and, for once in
my life, build something other than another “temporary” greenhouse.
- Denis
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