Slugs and a request for your comments

Marc Rosenblum via pbs
Sat, 19 Aug 2023 23:30:02 PDT

I know that I am about 300 miles NNE of you; but your weather is likely 
not much different.  In January, we had 3 weeks of 65-72 F  (18.3-22.2 
C) followed by a hard freeze. Many slug eggs deposited last fall were 
killed by the freeze. Others which survived likely delayed 'hatching' 
(if such language is appropriate for slugs).

Marc Rosenblum [Falls City, OR]

On 8/19/2023 11:14 AM, Robin Hansen via pbs wrote:
> While I saw very few slugs and snails this early spring through mid-summer,
> as I'm potting up a lot right now, I'm finding baby slugs in and on the
> bottoms of pots which are watered regularly. An unusual situation because
> normally, I find a lot of adults in spring and early summer.
> My questions are about your experiences this year, perhaps as compared to
> last year, what species you have seen, which plants you find the most
> vulnerable, and what control methods you use. There are some of us a bit
> squeamish about disposal methods, so may I suggest only brief descriptions
> of methods of attack without details, if that's possible??? Remember, many
> of these little animals are imports so please distinguish between what you
> know to be native slugs and their habits, and European or other slugs and
> their habits.
> Methods change, the chemicals we are allowed to purchase changes and our
> gardens change. We may stop growing some vulnerable plants and find others
> that work better. Please tell us about those also.
> Regards,
> Robin Hansen
> 10 degrees warmer than last summer on the Oregon
> Southwest coast. Not a drop of rain since May
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