Wild collecting …warning: long post but not a rant 😀

Robert Lauf via pbs pbs@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net
Sun, 02 Oct 2022 22:13:55 PDT
 Elaine's post is interesting and thought provoking.
Seed collecting should always be done in moderation, as should any wild collecting.  At the same time, we need to recognize that collected seeds (or plants) are being moved to a new environment in which, we hope, they will get more attentive care and greater survival rates than they expect falling on the open ground.  If wild seeds experienced the same survival rates as our carefully-nurtured SX material, each of the species would have overrun the world.
I do what I can to protect the tadpoles that are spawned every year in my ponds, but there's a reason why two toads lay 1000 eggs.  They know it's a cruel world out there.  And I know that a thousand baby toads hopping all over my yard will be a dozen when they all come back to spawn next year.
The philosophy of "take what you need" comes to mind when someone responds to a BX or SX saying, "I want everything."  Each exchange offers a wide variety of things that have very different environmental needs.  It would be very rare that one grower has the wherewithal to provide such a range of growing conditions to adequately care for everything on the list.  We all need to resist the natural human urge to think that "if it's free, I'll take two..."
Just my opinion.
Bob   Zone 7  cool but still very dry - didn't get a drop from Ian as it passed to the east
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