
Kipp McMichael via pbs pbs@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net
Sun, 16 Oct 2022 11:23:54 PDT

  Earlier this summer I was watering on the side of the house and suddenly was greeted with a delightful perfume. Late summer is not a floriforous time in my garden except for the South African "naked" bloomers like Amaryllis or. in this case, Gethyllis.

  This fascinating taxon is more distinctive for its foliage than its flowers - but these simple white or lightly pink chalices have an amazing scent that carrries across the yard.

  I dutifully pollinated the blooms and this week, following an early fall rain, the bulbs have pushed up their fruits! Gethyllis make a large fruit filled with seeds. The fruit is scented and sweet and used to make a special liquor in South Africa.

  I can also attest the taste is delicious! A fruity essence like a tropical "green apple" flavor. I carefully squeezed the fruit into my mouth and lightly  massaged the pulp away from the small, recalcitrant seeds. Delightful!

  This is the first time I have been able to eat the fruit of my bulbs. I
I'll post some images to the forum once my account is approved...

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