UC Irvine South African Bulb Garden

Mike via pbs pbs@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net
Sun, 24 Oct 2021 13:12:52 PDT
Hello Robin,

I too was concerned and googled it. The University Medical center expansion
will take part of the Arboretum and there are no plans to reopen the
arboretum which can be found on their website.


It’s interesting in the article they elude to a permanent closing…on the
Arboretum website it seems temporary.


The Whole history and board are all attached to the above link.

Given the location of the school and the general sensitivity to the limited
open space in the area. It would seem it won’t re-open.

All the other UC system Arboretum are not closed and have been open for
awhile.  UCSB, UCB as examples of other locations that have all reopened
for reference.

If the university was going to reopen the arboretum it seems it would have
happened already.  I’d think its much easier to repurpose the land of a
closed parcel then an active open facility.

Just my opinion, based on the unclear info out in the public….

Irregardless of what the university does.  It seems that it would be a
prudent move by PBS to partner with other arboretum around the world to
ensure the preservation of many of the bulbs we enjoy so much. Maybe 3
total to start and see if there is interest in a joint venture preservation

Easily with the groups seeds and bulbs we share amongst ourselves in 2 or 3
SX/BX  events. we could nurture some extensive collections…with a minimum
of effort and establish relationships that would be mutually beneficial

If I were looking to move a collection anywhere I’d have to establish
criteria to choose…

Like Financial Structure ( Charity Navigator is a great help)

Interests in a collection and financial ability to move collection.

public access to purchase plants for the collection and ability for public

San Diego Botanical Garden, LA Arboretum? Lots of choices in the area

I’d think the Huntington is a strong candidate given their funding, mission
and grounds to build a suitable site.  I was just up there for a sale last
month, and they have a smattering of SA bulbs not in speaking with one of
the succulent house managers I believe they may be very interested.?

On Sun, Oct 24, 2021 at 8:42 AM R Hansen via pbs <
pbs@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net> wrote:

> Regarding the concerns about the UC Irvine SA Bulb Garden, I am attempting
> to confirm whether this is an unfounded rumor, a possibility or a
> certainty. So we can speculate but until there is confirmation, ideas are
> good but let's see what turns up. Their website is in no way up to date
> that I can see, as I briefly checked...
> Does anyone have the ability to contact someone they know at the garden
> directly regarding this situation?
> Thanks,
> Robin Hansen
> President, PBS
> An early coastal storm is blowing and raining like crazy
> Southwest Oregon
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