To PBS Members The Pacific Bulb Society membership has grown steadily in the last year. As a result of continued growth, there has been a noticeable increase in participation in the seed and bulb exchanges. Consequently, the Board has decided to separate the seed and bulb exchange, each to be handled by different people or teams, with donors sending seeds to one address and bulbs to another address. These changes are designed to alleviate undue burdens on any one volunteer, and make our distribution system efficient and timely. This change does not affect the EU exchange at all. Luminita Vollmer has resigned as our exchange director; she has given generously of her time for the benefit of PBS members and we thank her for all the time she has spent to make seed and bulbs available to our members. A PBS member with long experience has already volunteered to handle the US seed exchange (SX). We are now encouraging anyone interested in volunteering to manage the US bulb exchange (BX), either to direct or assist, to write a letter of interest privately to Robin Hansen at this email: <> Best regards, Robin Hansen President, Pacific Bulb Society _______________________________________________ pbs mailing list… Unsubscribe: <>