Bulb specific forums was (no subject)

Steve Marak via pbs pbs@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net
Sat, 04 Dec 2021 14:11:47 PST
I'm certainly in that group. I have at least half a dozen C. miniata 
cultivars, mostly from seed from people on the old CLIVIA-ENTHUSIAST 
Yahoo group to which I belonged for years, now defunct I suppose. I also 
grow several of the other species. (One of my clones of C. robusta came 
from a BX back in 2012.)

Since that mailing list vanished I haven't kept up - web-based forums 
are a lot less useful and require a lot more work than mailing lists, at 
least for me (I know that opinion makes me a minority, but I've used 
both extensively, both personally and professionally) so I don't know 
what the current state of taxonomy or breeding is. But I'd like to know, 
so I hope we'll see more Clivia growers join us here.


On 12/2/2021 12:29 AM, Robert Lauf via pbs wrote:
>   Diane is absolutely right.  Practically everyone with a greenhouse somehow acquires a clivia or two along the way, but doesn't necessarily keep up with expert knowledge and ongoing research.  I had two varieties sharing bench space with my orchids and bromeliads long before I discovered the wonderful world of summer- and winter-dormant bulbs through PBS.
> It would be interesting to see just how many of our members grow at least one clivia.  I'll bet it's a lot.  And furthermore, clivia growers would seem like a natural pool of enthusiasts to recruit into the broader bulb aficionado community.  Welcoming them into our tent is a no-brainer.
> Bob   Zone 7

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