Online presentation

Johannes-Ulrich Urban via pbs
Sun, 22 Nov 2020 05:21:22 PST
Dear All,

Online presentations are great, I have participated in a few and learn to appreciate Zoom more and more. I am happy to give a talk, show my pictures or take you for a walk through my garden.
I did this walk through my garden with friends and it worked very well.

I would like to remark two things. As far as I understand Zoom the host can invite the person to give the talk and is not necessarily the one giving the talk himself. But there will be people more knowledgeable than me about this.

Another point: one of the Zoom presentations I participated in was victim of Zoom bombing and had to be abandoned. It was very unpleasant, especially for the host. If it is announced all too publicly there is a certain risk for that kind of thing.

Bye for now,

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